Monday, April 7, 2008

Quarteback Training How To Grip the Football

This quarterback training tip is focused on how to grip the football.

Quarterbacks training on how to throw the football with accuracy and a tight spiral can find it tough. Quarterback training should include how to properly grip the football. Easier said than done, especially given the shape of the football and its lumpy laces. Include how to grip the football in your quarterback training and improve your throw.
Hand size is not as critical on how to grip the football as are strong hands and fingers. Quarterback training on how to grip the football should include strength development for both the hand and fingers.

How to grip the football begins when the ball is snapped, depending on hand size, have at least the wring finger on the laces. Quarterbacks training on how to grip the football, do not want that ball flush in the hand. The ball is gripped mostly with the fingers. As the ball rests in the palm of the hand there should be daylight between the ball and the hand where the thumb and forefinger form the U in which the ball rests.

Smaller hands are more towards the back of the football. The larger hands more towards the middle with the air between the web of that hand and ball. In your quarterback training on how to grip the football you will learn the importance of the fingers. Fingers control the spiral and flight of the ball. Strong fingers and hands are needed for efficient passing. The index finger should rest on top of the ball, however if the quarterback is having control issues, move the index finger back towards the point of the ball.

Let’s Review:

1. Quarterback training on how to grip the football, make sure the laces are face up away from the hand.

2. Quarterback training on how to grip the football, place your throwing hand over the ball with at least the wring finger over the laces, preferably the second or higher lace. While letting the rest of your fingers spread over the ball.

3. Quarterback training on how to grip the football, make sure there is daylight between the hand and the ball.

4. Quarterback training on how to grip the football, make sure the thumb is opposite the lace on the underside of the ball.

5. Quarterback training on how to grip the football, do some practice throws, see how the ball feels in your hand while checking the flight pattern of the ball. If you need more control over the ball slide the index finger back towards the end of the ball.

In conclusion quarterback training on how to grip the football is an important fundamental in becoming a successful passer. A proper grip does require strong hands and fingers. We recommend quarterbacks train with the 2lb Heavy Football. Training with the Heavy Football will develop stronger hands and fingers giving quarterbacks more confidence in how the grip the football.

Use the links below to see all of our quarterback training aids.

Quarterback Training Videos & DVDs

Quarterback Training Equipment

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