Friday, June 3, 2011

Boise State Football Blue: Is It Becoming A Trend?

In 1986 Athletic Director Gene Bleymaier decided to make a bold move and take big risk. When he was installing a new astro turf field in Bronco Stadium he decided to make it blue. Thus the Boise State Broncos became the first and only team in the country to play on a blue field.

Naturally there were the detractors and I was one of them. Back then the field earned the nick name "Smurf Turf". On those rare occasions the Broncos played on national television the TV announcers would pre-warn the audience, "don't adjust your sets the color of the field is blue."

Today the Boise State Broncos are known nation wide for their blue turf and the way they play football. Gone are the urban legends of ducks mistaking the field for water and dying dive bombing in for a place to float. Gone is the name smurf turf, today we call it playing on "The Blue."

Back in 86 Bleymaier took a big gamble and made his move as a publicity stunt hoping to get Bronco Stadium on the cover of Sports Illustrated. Bronco Stadium did not get on the cover of Sports Illustrated back then. However the team and some of "The Blue" did last season.

If imitation is the best form of flattery then Boise State Blue is becoming a trend, in at least the high school ranks.

Currently there are 3 high schools and one college across the country that have followed suite and have blue football fields and they are about to be joined by another.

West Hills Chaminade High School in California is going blue. Football Coach Croson said the blue turf will be similar to the field at Boise State. Construction will be finished in time for the fall season.

Current list of high schools with blue fields.
High schools in Barrow, Alaska; Hidalgo, Texas; and Lovington, N.M., play their football games on artificial blue surfaces. Division II The University of New Haven reinstated football in 2009 and went with Boise State Blue as the color of their football field.

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