Sunday, January 17, 2010

Heeeeeeessssssssss Baaaaaaaackkkkkkk

He is back and it is starting earlier this year than in past years. The season is not over for him, he plays today and if he wins, he plays next week.

But heeeeeesssssssss backkkkkkkkkk The NFL's favorite drama queen is back saying today could be his final game. He recently told ESPN, "If you win, you go on. If you lose, you're done -- and for me -- that could very well be my last game."

Who could I possibly be talking about, who is it that so needs to be the center of attention and speculation, well hhhhhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrssssssss Brett. Yes Brett Favre has speculated that today could be his final game.

What is annoying about this newest retirement speculation? Tune in the game, the announcers will be inundating us with Brett Favre retirement speculation.

It sets the tone for a repeat of the ESPN Bowl Games coverages. During their coverages of the games, they made it all about Craig James, Adam James, Mike Leach and Texas Tech. I have nothing against them or Brett Favre. When I tune in a game, I want to watch football, not be kept current on the latest saga.

However Brett's continuing retirment saga is beginning wear to like a Nick Nolte bad hair day.

Brett retire if you must, but dont make it all about you. Retirement announcements are best done once the season is over. During the play offs, let it be about the teams that worked hard all season long to earn a post season berth. Let the sports media focus on those teams and players, not just one guy.

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