Monday, February 8, 2010

What The Heck Was He Thinking?

Yes it is time for us to ask another pin head what was he thinking?

The latest adventures of pin head belong to a politician, gee what a surprise.

Even for a politician who is such an air head that he makes you wonder, can he chew gum and walk at the same time, this bozo takes pin head to a new low.

Scott Lee Cohen a candidate for Illinios Lieutenant Governor is the focus of this article, as you read on, I am sure he will get your vote for pin head of the week.

Less than a week ago Mr. Cohen won the Democratic nomination for the office of Lieutant Governor and has already thrown in the towel. He has announced that it is his and the parties best interests that he with draw his name from the ticket.

What makes him an even bigger pin head than his reasons for with drawing, he admits to being a woman beater, is the time and place he chose for this historical event. One that will go down in history.

In attendance for Cohen's tearful event were his sons, fiance and her son watching as he did the obligatory, this is the hardest thing I have ever done statement, followed by the litany of transgressions.

It is bad enough he has to do it on a Sunday, our day of rest from the world of politics, but he chose to do it in a sports bar. Not on tv, guess he was too low in the food chain to get a booking. Not on Oprah, heard he was turned down to be even a ticket taker for her show.

No this clown goes to a sports bar and does it during the Super Bowl. He is so arrogant that he thinks his wannabe career, that will never be, is more important than the game. That he is bigger than the Colts and the Saints.

What politicians won't do to get a head line. Imagine being at your sports bar watching the Super Bowl and some clown comes in to say he wont be running for office, do you really care, we are looking at 3rd and 5 a critical down in the game, maybe some people even have money riding on the game and here comes some political hack doing his I have sinned routine. Of course you have sinned,your a politician.

Is nothing sacred? Is no event out of bounds for these guys? Come on Mr. Cohen, its the Super Bowl, not Father John's conffesional.

You can see why I declare this clown pin head of the week and why I would ask, what the heck was he thinking?

For more on the story of this illustrious political hack use the following link, oh and if you do, be sure to have the mandatory hanky for his gut wrenching confession. Link

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