Thursday, June 3, 2010

What Are They Thinking - Are They Darwinian?

This one is nuts, literally nuts. They must be trying out for the Darwin Awards.

In the state of Minnesota there appears to be a new game raging through the high schools. The name of the game is called "sack tapping" if you think it is restricted to south of the belt line on the males species you are right.

It is a high stakes game and many young boys are paying the price, this game can change a boy from a rooster to hen in minutes.

The most recent victim of this "game" is a 14 year old boy from Crosby, Minnesota. In between classes, a class mate came up and punched him sharply in the nether region.

Around one am the next morning the young man woke up his mother complaining about excruciating pain. He was taken to the local hospital where the doctor preformed surgery removing the boys right testicle.

Dr.Scott Wheeler, a urologist in Brainerd, Minn. has made an eye opening diagnosis with the following statement, "It's just gotten way out of control," Gee Doc do your really think so? He went on to say he performs three to four surgeries a year on boys with ruptured testicles and other complications as a result of “sack tapping.”

" All parents, you need to have this talk with your kids not to do it. It's lost its humor. It's not a game anymore. People get hurt," he added.

I am dumb founded after the first kid went from a baritone to soprano you would think the "game" would end.

"Sack tapping" gives the old expression "boys will be boys " a whole new meaning.

Disclaimer, do not try this game at home or any where else, you can go from Fred to Freida in a real hurry. My God, what are they thinking?

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