Wednesday, August 12, 2009

America Has Lost A Shinning Light

These past few weeks our nation has been focused on the hottest topic of the day, national health care. Yesterday during the midst of this debate we lost a shinning light, one that cannot totally be replaced or ever duplicated. Yesterday Eunice Kennedy Shriver died and America will not be the same with out her.

Who was Eunice Kennedy Shriver? She was the daughter of Joe and Rose Kennedy, sister of the late President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert Kennedy and mother to former news caster Maria Shiver who is First Lady of California and the wife of the Terminator, Arnold.

Most importantly she was the younger sister of the late Rosemary Kennedy. What makes that so important? Rosemary Kennedy was born mentally challenged living life in hospitals, being cared for those special people dedicated to caring for the less fortunate.

Eunice developed and special awareness of the isolation and limits on the world of people who had problems similar to her sister Rosemary. Using the Kennedy wealth and connections she became a driving force giving us one of our most precious gifts. Because of Eunice and Rosemary Kennedy we have The Special Olympics.

A forum where the air is filled with laughter and applause, where the spirit of competition is alive and well as participants in The Special Olympics compete, make new friends and win over new supporters.

Yes yesterday when we lost Eunice Kennedy Shriver we lost one of America's kindest loving brightest lights, our world has shrunk but we are better off for her having been here.

I have called The White House Comment Line at 202-456-1111 requesting the President declare a national day of mourning. The hold time is long but to me, worth the wait.

Don't get me wrong, I am sure my calling the comment line will not be the reason for a day of mourning, I am sure we will have one. I felt compelled to call and be a proponent of a day of mourning to fill my desire to recognise the accomplishments of a fellow American.

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