Thursday, July 16, 2009

OMG What Were They Thinking?

This edition of what was he thinking is unbelievable and goes to NASA where some of the finest minds in the world work but must lack common sense.

What is it that they could have done or not done that makes them air heads of the month? First we must go back 40 years.

Yes 40 years ago Apollo 11 was launched and man was on his way to the moon, fulfilling President Kennedy's wish.

On July 20th those of us that were alive were glued to television sets watching what a decade earlier thought to be impossible, man walking on the moon. Yet here we were glued to the tv and watching Neal Armstrong walk on the moon. Beamed right into our homes we saw his first steps and his famous words, one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind.

As we prepare to celebrate the 40th anniversary of that momentous moment NASA has to admit .............. they erased the original tapes of that live transmission. The taped over Neal being the first human being to ever walk on the moon. Gone forever are those historical moments. Leaving the burning question, what the heck were they thinking.

I am supplying the link to the full story. NASA Blows It

Not all is lost, Hollywood is coming to the rescue, but its not the same, those of you that recall where you were and what you were doing when you saw Armstrong set foot on the moon saw it at its best live and real. No matter what Hollywood does, it cannot replace the original.

Damn, NASA what were you thinking?

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