Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is Michael Vick Thinking?

I was listening to the Steve Zabin Show on Fox Radio and Michael Vick was on the menu.

According to Zabin in Vick's most recent court filings he is discussing his plans on how to pay back all the monies he owes not just to the Falcons but to all his creditors.

Zabin claims the documents state when Vick returns to the NFL he believes he, Vick will be eraning 10 million per year.

I dont know what Vick and his advisors are thinking. There is no guarantee Vick will be able to return to the NFL. No guarantee that any team will want him, let alone compensate him 10 million per season.

In my opinion restoring Vick to the NFL is risky business. What ever team would accept him inherits a public relations night mare.

Even if a team is willing to take a chance on Vick, there is a good chance he wont make through a regular season.

I dont think Vick and his people realize how egregious his offenses are to the general public. I can see head hunters from opposing teams putting in extra effort to let Vick know how the think about what he did.

A missed block, late hit or a solid knee shot could end his comeback and I have no doubt there are dog lovers in the NFL that would have no problem extracting revenge on Vick for his murder of dogs.

I can't imagine any corporate endorsementst coming his way. Vick's name and public image may well be beyond repair.

Zabin went on to say Vick's pre prison spending demonstrates the man is either reckless or delusional or both.

According to Zabin, the day Vick was sent to prison he showed up in a brand new off the showroom floor 96 thousnad dollar Mercedes Benz that he had paid cash for earlier in the day. Sounds like GM and Chrysler showing up in Congress looking for bail out dollars while flying in private corporate jets.

Wild pre prison spending, saying he will be picked up by a team for 10 million per year, what is Michael Vick thinking?
Please post your comments, let us know what you are thinking.

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