Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tough Week Sports Fans

This has really been a tough week in the world of sports.

Yeah the Yankees lost their home opener in their new 1 p-lus billion dollar stadium, no the President did not throw out the first pitch but all that pales compared to what else happened this week.

First we hear about the Philedelphia Phillies losing their voice with the death of Harry Callas, their announcer for over 3 decades. As if that were not sad enough a few hours later we hear about Mark " The Bird " Fidrych being found dead under a truck he was working on.

Today we learn the most recognised face and voice in pro football is calling it quits. Yes John Madden at age 73 has retired from the booth, making this a tough week for sports fans.

Never again will Phillie fans hear a game called the way Callas called, for those that remember Mark "The Bird" never will a pitcher fill the stands and get people out side of the base ball world to tune in a game the way Fidrych did and no one can call a game or impact pro football the way Madden did.

The bus with player of the week will be gone and who can forget his passion for tailgating. Describing brats at the Green Bay games and how to cook them and how to eat them.

What will Thanks Giving Day games be like with out the famous Madden 6 legged turkeys. What will replace the All Madden Team? I think for players making the All Madden Team the honor was almost equal to being a pro bowler.

Yes this has been a tough week in sports, losing a former pitching legend, a beloved radio announcer and now John Madden leaves the announcers booth.

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