Thursday, April 15, 2010

Its Tax Day

April 15th is Uncle Sam's favorite day of the year, income tax day, the day the government takes a big bite out of our wallets. Today is their payday and judging from the national debt, they squander our hard earned money faster than we earn it. That discussion is for another time and different blog.

Today marks another milestone in history. Today marks the 98th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic. It was 98 years ago last night about midnight the Titanic hit the ice burg and began is journey into history as one of the worst maritime disasters.

Just two short hours after hitting the ice burg Titanic was on the ocean floor, while above her, people were fighting for their lives. As we know many drowned, others froze to death in the frigid Atlantic waters and others were safe in life boats not knowing if anyone was coming to their rescue.

What makes this anniversary different? For the first time since the ship went down there are no known survivors. Millvina Dean who passed away on May 31,2009 at age 97 was the last known living Titanic survivor and now she too is gone.

Ms.Dean was a mere two months old when and her family boarded the ill fated ship, making her the youngest passenger on board. Surviving with Dean was her mother Georgetta then aged 32 and her older brother Bertram aged 23 months. Her father stayed on the doomed ship and was lost at sea along with an estimated 1,500 people.

Millvina as previously stated died May 31,2009, in a nursing home located in Southhampton, England the same port and on the 98th anniversary of the launching of Titanic, May 31, 1911.

For more on Millvina Dean

Another interesting site Titanic.

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