Monday, March 19, 2012

Stretching Workouts: Some Do's and Don'ts

Stretching is an important part of any work-out, it can help reduce injuries. Should you stretch before you work-out? There is another school of thought that I will share. Some think not, saying it will impede muscle contraction and diminish the benefits of the work-out. Post Work-out Stretching: This is essential, it will relieve muscle tension, improve circulation and improve muscle recovery from the workout. Some Stretching Do’s and Don’t’s Stretching Do’s 1. Make sure your back is as straight as possible to avoid back injury 2. Maintain Good Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids before a work-out, this will help your muscles give peak performance and increase stretching benefits. 3. Proper breathing: Breth slowly and evenly, exhale when exerting yourself. 4. Stretch evenly: Just like all work-outs make sure you stretch evenly, what ever you do to the front do for the back etc. Stretching Don’ts 1. Avoid Bouncing: Isee people in the gym all the time bouncing when stretching. They risk back, muscle and joint injury. Bouncing does nothing to improve the stretch. I have found holding the position gives me a better stretch. 2. Avoid overstretching: Just like bouncing overstretching can cause injury. Avoid trying to make your body stretch in ways it is not ready to perform. 3. Avoid hyperextension: Overextending your joints can have serious conequences. 4. Avoid a no pain no gain philosophy: If you experience sharp pains stop. When stretching expect to feel some discomfort while the muslces stretch out, anything more than that, stop what you are doing. These are just a few do’s and don’t’s for stretching, if you have some to add please do. After streching you might want to develop a stronger core. Check out our core muscle development DVDs

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